Pottery Barn Kids : Website Design 

Pottery Barn Kids is a brand under William’s Sonoma, Inc. which offers children's furniture, bedding, decor and accessories.  

As a mid-level digital designer, I was responsible for designing the homepage, app home screens, and other shoppable landing pages from concept to creation.

Spring Homepage Redesign

Redesign the homepage to highlight new brand campaigns and product in an editorial fashion while improving homepage shoppability.

 Before: Subcopy is on-image and difficult to read, template consists of static banners stacked on category carousels. 

Before: Spring 2023, Hero and Storage section
Before: Spring 2023, Registry section

Initial Concepts
The homepage has a unique set of design requirements. For this project, I mapped out the following focus areas:

Brand identity & Visual design alignment
Amplify the brand identity through thoughtful and accessible visual design while centering the season’s brand campaigns.

Template Sustainability
Ensure that the template design can be easily modified and maintained on our content management systems to accommodate for marketing and inventory shifts.

Narrative design
Draw inspiration from the brand's roots in catalog to redesign features that fit together as an editorial narrative.

Final Prototype   
I worked closely with leaders from Marketing, Site Operations, and Creative teams to iterate upon and ship the final design.

After delivering my prototype to Site Operations, I proceeded to QA test homepages across desktop and mobile. 

Final Spring ‘24 Homepage Hero

Spring New Arrivals
Baby Registry
Instagram Shop

Shoppable Lookbooks

Challenge Design an editorial lookbook — a digital catalog that serves as both a shopping tool and a source of design inspiration for consumers.
Before: Content showcases different room aesthetics, shoppable products are limited to 2-3 features per room.  

Before: Spring 2023 Lookbook

Design Trials & Refinements  
After outlining issues with the old Lookbook template, I reviewed the season’s brand photo assets and grouped them by different criteria:  color, campaign focus, and life stage.  

For my initial review, I presented multiple grid and layout options to the team. 

Preliminary designs: I decided to use an editorial grid layout to and increase the amount of products featured in each room module.  

Final Prototype  
I collaborated closely with copywriters and merchants to breathe life into brand photography, establishing how the Spring season's look and overall aesthetic was marketing across web platforms.

After delivering my prototype to tech teams, I proceeded to QA test across desktop and mobile. 

Scroll through the prototype to view the full lookbook
Spring 24’ Lookbook